
mardi 8 janvier 2013

Living the Revolution

À ne pas manquer, jeudi 17 janvier, à partir de 17h, à l'université McGill, pavillon Leacock, local 232, une conférence de Jennifer Guglielmo (Associate Professor of History, Smith College)  intitulée :

Voici un résumé de la conférence :

Jennifer Guglielmo (Associate Professor of History, Smith College), will discuss her recovery of the histories of activism of working-class Italian immigrant women anarchists in the United States as a window into the world of early twentieth-century transnational feminism. Emerging from a diasporic, multi-ethnic network of labor radicals, the women in this movement did not seek inclusion within the modern nation-state; nor did they rely on established trade unions or cross-class alliances. Instead, they created autonomous spaces for working-class and poor women to articulate their particular struggles and embody l'emancipazione della donna (women’s emancipation). Together, they asked a question that formed the heart of their politics: “Why does the pleasure of some have to create misery for many?”

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